Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Adventure Watercolor Painting Process "Boy Reaching"

Thanks so much for sending in photos! I can still accept a few more for this New Adventure Series.
As promised, I am using photos that were sent in to create a series of special childhood memories. The photo should show your child or grandchild looking away from the camera and into the new place they've found to play in and explore.
My end of the bargain is to share the entire process with you! There is absolutely NO obligation to buy.
Here is the first of the photos. As you can see, the little boy is absolutely adorable! Even though he is too short to take a drink from the fountain, he has fun reaching up into it!
Once I saw the potential for a painting in this series, I cropped the photo to make it a more interesting composition and focus on the child.

The next step is to start a drawing that includes all of the essential details. As you can see, the lines are very light, so that they don't show through the transparent watercolors too much.
I look forward to sharing the next stages in this process with you! If you have any questions at all about this process, I'd love to answer them.



  1. This photo just cries out to become one of your paintings, Barbara. That bright blond head, and those reaching arms. At first glance, and before reading that it was a photo, I did think it was one of your paintings.
    I'm going to look through some grandchild photos to see if I have one that meets your criteria.

  2. Can't wait to see the finished project!

  3. CAN'T WAIT to see the finished painting. Thanks a bunch for sharing your art on your blog :-)

  4. This is a magnificent idea...

    It is very intriguing seeing the many steps involved in creating your masterpieces...

    Marvelous post for the letter "M"...

    Thanks for linking.



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