Friday, February 24, 2012


Analyzing how a painting progresses is a constant process. With my little girl in the daffodils, a few things really started to bother me. For one thing, I found the small purple crocuses in the foreground distracting. For another, I don’t find the horizon of trees in the background pleasing. I will try to remove both and see if I can come up with a solution that will unify the painting and help focus more on the little girl and flowers.

Once I carefully removed layers of watercolor paint, I was able to rethink my composition. I decided to blur the background in soft greens.

Finally, I added layers of golden yellow to give a sense of light, created a shadow under the child, carefully redefined each of the daffodils, and deepened the shadows of the jacket. FINISHED!

I hope that you enjoyed seeing the decisions I made and why as I created my "Girl with Daffodils" watercolor painting!


  1. This is wonderful. Its great to see the process an artist goes through to paint a beautiful painting, you get to see more than the final product, it becomes a growing thing. Thankyou so much for sharing! Happy Pink Saturday <3

  2. It's beautiful! Hello from Pink Saturday.

  3. Your PINK is very pretty!
    thanks for sharing...and HAppy PINk SatURday!

    ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  4. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    I am so thrilled to have found your blog through PS.

    I love your little girl painint. You are such a detailed artist. I love the changes of the background, as it really made your little girl pop and especially helped to see the flowers so much better. Sometimes we have to look at a creation for awhile to find what it is we aren't sure about.

    A beautiful share. I am your newest follower and can't wait to see what you share next. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry

  5. nicely done! I really admire watercolorists, I always make mud when I play with that medium! Your little girl is very sweet- HPS

  6. Very pretty Barbara! And I love your final edits! Thanks so much for sharing at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!

  7. What a neat transformation Barbara. I didn't actually know you could remove color from a painting like that.

    It almost makes a more ethereal finished product!

    Thanks for sharing your nifty painting with us for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "N".



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