Thursday, September 1, 2011


by Barbara Rosenzweig

This striking sunflower painting was inspired by a trip to Tuscany. I love the flower's varying shades of golden yellow with the russet browns of the seeds. Even more dazzling are the deep greens of the leaves against a royal blue sky. This painting will be a knock-out in your home, especially in Tuscan decor!

Maize and Blue
"Inspired by my son's departure for "that school up north!'" says Curator Brenda Pokorny from brendapokorny. This is a real eye popper and I'm honored that my "Sunshine Sunflower" was included here.

Sweet September
"Fall is in the air, school has begun, September is here!" says Curator Joy Patzner from AJoyfulCreation. I'm so thankful that my "Sunshine Sunflower" painting was chosen for this stunning collection.


  1. Barbara, your treatment of the center of the sunflower is sooooo excellent!! Brava!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your wonderful sunflower with *WEEKENDFLOWERS* :) I like also this yellow-blue-mosaic. Very nice.

  3. whenever I see a sunflower, it reminds me of summer. lovely painting.

  4. I love sunflowers. A trip to Tuscany would be nice too!~Ames

  5. Great sunflower! In fact, sunflowers are my favorite flowers. :)

    Greetings from Germany,

    PS: See my T post here! :)

  6. Oh wow. This is a beautiful rendition of a sunflower.

    The colors are so happy and lovely.

    And the collage is terrific, too.

    Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

    I always enjoy seeing what you have created.



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