Friday, September 2, 2011


by Barbara Rosenzweig

Looking for peaceful and quiet moments? These Adirondak chairs on a secluded porch create the perfect painting for your home to give you a sense of tranquility and relaxation! Its vivid colors will brighten your rustic vacation home or your own hideaway sanctuary!

The incredible lightness of being
"Shaking off winter in the southern hemisphere... Mined mostly from my favourites," says this Curator from Indounik. I'm so please that she chose to include my Peaceful Porch painting in her collection of lovely handmade and fine art gifts.


  1. Thanks so much, Barbara, for featuring my treasury here. I'd happily take up residence in one of those Adirondaks in your lovely painting.

  2. Hello, Barbara! Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier! I'm here visiting and I really like this painitng, it has such a nice, deep sense of space. I teach drawing and painting, and I just love when people post their work! My husband is also a biology teacher--I saw that you teach science in PA! I'm signing on as a follower and I hope we can be friends! andrea @ townandprairie


Thanks so much for stopping by! I'd be just delighted if you left me a comment!