Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Limited Edition Watercolor
by Barbara Rosenzweig

There's one hydrangea bush in my garden that has the softest of blue tones. I tried to capture the delicate petals tinted with just a touch of pink. Picture this with its companion piece, "Pink Hydrangea" making a beautiful addition to country, modern, or your own special decor. Do it! Just treat yourself!

Linked to Alphabe-Thursday.

The Lush Beauty of EtsyLush
"Still trying to hang on to spring and summer...fall will be here soon enough. For now, I'm in another world looking at all these etsylush beauties with soft dreamy colors," says Curator Toni of  AstrasShadow. This selection of soft dreamy items and fine art includes my "Pale Blue Hydrangea."


  1. Your hydrangea looks so 3-dimensional!

  2. I love blue hydrangeas but they don't grow well here. I know I should feed them something but I'm too idle and just let the garden grow as it will;-) Our pink hydrangeas are gorgeous, though:-)

  3. Lovely! I think you did a remarkable job capturing just the right shade. :)

  4. This is simply beautiful. I love anything that has even the slightest hint of purple in it (it's one of my favorite colors). You have a good eye and hand (smile).

    Thank you for visiting and following. I always like to return the kindness and am your newest follower too. I shall return again to view more of your work.

  5. My hydrangeas didn't bloom very much this year! So sad!!! Pretty Pic!

  6. My hydrangeas are pale blue, and I love them.


  7. Hydrangeas are so pretty! I've always wanted to learn how to use watercolors, but never got around to it. Maybe one day I will pick it up.

    Linking up by way of Thursday blog hopping…P is for Parkway and Thursday Two Questions
    Your friend,
    Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

  8. My father used to turn hydrangeas different colors just by amending the soil. These are very pretty Barb!~Ames

  9. Oh, this is glorious.

    I've been enjoying my notecards from you!

    Someday you will be hanging on my wall as well as hanging out in my desk drawer.

    Okay...well not you, but your artwork.

    Thanks for the a perfectly gorgeous link to the letter 'P'.



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