Saturday, July 9, 2011


Original Still Life Framed Watercolor Painting
By Artist Barbara Rosenzweig

Sitting quietly with my morning coffee, I started playing with my food - something my mother emphatically told me as a kid not to do! But the color combinations were so lovely and the arrangement so appealing, I decided to paint this serene scene. My original framed painting would look great in your kitchen or make a wonderful housewarming gift!

Curator Jessica Torrant of JessicaTorrant created this lusciously vibrant collection of  fine art. It's an honor to be included here.


  1. I wish I had more of a selection of fruit at the moment. :)
    Lovely work!

  2. Hi Barbara...LOVE this. The strawberries and blueberries are just terrific. I am coming up to my 6 month mark as a blogger. I'm going to host a celebratory giveaway and would like to include one of your 8 x 10 prints. Can I paypal you the cost but wait and let the winner choose? Could you ship it directly to the winner? Not sure exactly when I'm going to post the giveaway...not until later in the week. Let me know. Thanks!

  3. Beautiful paintings! And such lovely vibrant colors!
    Have a great week!


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